Routine dental exam: The key to a healthy smile

A routine dental exam is essential to maintaining a healthy smile and preventing long-term dental problems.

So, have you ever wondered how healthy your smile really is? While brushing and flossing daily are essential habits, there’s a lot more to your oral health.

Dental problems can often develop silently, showing no obvious signs until it’s too late.

So, this is where this type of dental exam comes in: a comprehensive, personalized assessment that can make the difference between a radiant smile and costly corrective treatments.

a routine dental exam

That’s why, at our dental clinic, we don’t just care about the appearance of your smile. We also care about what’s going on beneath the surface. So, a routine dental exam allows you to discover hidden problems before they become something more serious. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to proactively take control of your oral health.

Consequently, would you like to know how a simple exam can transform your oral well-being? Read on to find out all the details and why it’s so crucial not to skip this essential appointment.

What is a routine dental exam?

A routine dental exam is a complete check-up of your oral health by a professional dentist. Unlike an emergency dental exam, during this visit, the dentist evaluates the condition of your teeth, gums, and surrounding structures to identify any signs of tooth decay, periodontal disease, or other dental problems.

X-rays are also performed during the dental exam if necessary to get a more detailed look at what’s going on beneath the surface.

What does a routine dental exam include?

routine dental exam include

During a routine dental exam, you can expect the following steps:

1. Review of your medical history:

The dentist will review your medical and dental history to identify any risk factors or concerns that should be taken into account during the exam.

2. Visual exam:

A thorough inspection of your teeth and gums will be performed. The goal is to detect any signs of problems such as cavities, tooth wear, swollen gums, or mouth lesions.

3. Dental X-rays:

If necessary, X-rays will be taken to detect problems that are not visible to the naked eye. For example, cavities between the teeth or problems with the roots of the teeth. But unlike a complete dental exam, a panoramic X-ray is not included here.

4. Gum evaluation:

The dentist will evaluate the health of your gums. The purpose is to look for signs of periodontal disease, such as swollen gums, bleeding, or gum recession.

5. Restoration checks:

If you have fillings, crowns, or other dental work, these will also be checked. This is to make sure they are in good condition and working properly.

Importance of routine dental exams

Des examens dentaires de routine sont essentiels pour prévenir des problèmes majeurs. Détecter les caries à un stade précoce, traiter précocement les maladies des gencives et garder un œil constant sur votre santé bucco-dentaire peut vous faire économiser de la douleur, du temps et des coûts sur les traitements futurs.

De plus, des examens réguliers permettent à votre dentiste de vous donner des recommandations personnalisées. Il peut s’agir de la manière d’améliorer votre hygiène dentaire et de conserver un sourire radieux.

La prévention est la clé. Pour cette raison, un examen dentaire de routine est le meilleur moyen de garantir que votre bouche est dans le meilleur état possible.

How often should I get a dental exam?

how often routine dental exam

A routine dental exam is recommended every six months. However, the frequency may vary depending on your specific oral health needs. Your dentist will tell you the appropriate frequency based on your situation.

For example, if you are someone with healthy gums, a rigorous oral hygiene routine, and no history of cavities or periodontal disease, a visit every six months is likely sufficient. But if you have a history of frequent cavities, periodontal disease, or if you are a smoker, your dentist may recommend more frequent visits. Maybe it’s every three or four months.

No matter what your specific situation is, the key is to follow your dentist’s recommendations. Accordingly, you should schedule your dental exams based on your particular oral health needs.


This exam not only helps you maintain an attractive smile, but it is also an investment in your overall health. By detecting and treating problems early, you can avoid major complications in the future.

At our dental clinic, we are committed to your oral well-being and are here to help you take care of your smile at every stage of your life. Don’t wait any longer! Schedule your next routine dental exam with us and take the first step toward optimal oral health.


Frequently asked questions and answers about a routine dental exam

A routine dental exam typically lasts between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on whether or not it includes a dental cleaning and x-rays.

No, a routine dental exam is generally not painful. The dentist will perform a visual check of your teeth and gums, and take x-rays if necessary. If you feel any discomfort during the exam, it is important to communicate this so that the dentist can adjust the procedure and make sure you are comfortable.

No special preparation is required before a routine dental exam. However, it is helpful to brush and floss before your appointment so that the dentist can make a clearer assessment. Also, be sure to tell the dentist about any recent changes in your health or medications you are taking.

If the dentist finds a problem during the exam, he or she will explain in detail what he or she has found and recommend appropriate treatment. Depending on the severity of the problem, treatment might be scheduled at the same visit or at a future appointment.

Yes, it is very important for people with braces to have routine dental exams. Braces and other appliances can make it difficult to clean your teeth, which increases the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Dr. Yulia Grebneva
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I am Dr. Yulia Grebneva, a dentist with more than 25 years of experience in the field of dentistry. Since I began my practice in 1995, I have been committed to providing quality care and effective solutions for the oral health of my patients.

I have worked with patients suffering from gum disease, such as periodontitis, and have found BOST (Bone One Session Treatment) to be an exceptionally effective tool. BOST is an innovative non-surgical method that can treat gum disease quickly and efficiently, preserving bone tissue and promoting periodontal regeneration. Thanks to my experience and training in this treatment, I have been able to help numerous patients recover the health and functionality of their gums comfortably and without invasive surgeries.